I've been a Sheep

I’ve been a sheep. And I’m so upset with myself about it.

I’ve always strived to live my truth, own my voice, lead by example so others feel empowered to do the same, especially as I lead the next generation in raising my children.

I’ve been afraid to speak up on what I’m seeing and feeling, ignoring a huge part of life we’re all living, to practice tolerance. I serve a diverse community that I love and respect, while you love me now, when I speak and write my truths, define my version of freedom, will the labels, name calling, and reality of ‘conditional’ love and respect become more true?

I’ve never needed to voice some of these thoughts of mine, I’m not trying to change anyone else’s truth, sway a vote, get into politics, or put anyone else in a box of what does or doesn’t deserve personal liberties and freedoms.


I’ve been quietly observing and waiting, making sure my emotions haven’t overpowered my intelligence. Through that act of tolerance though I’ve put myself in a box of limited expression. Suppressing myself to serve those who will continue to let me live in the box of OTHERS definitions of MY freedoms and truths, as a family we’ve given too much for me to live that way.

As a woman striving to live more FREE from others opinions, Ive worked too hard to live that way.

The thought that I should stay quiet for the conditional approval of others, to let things blow over, or the sake of my business is not freedom, and it’s not how I’ve gotten where I am today, hiding from who and what I am.

Especially not at the expense of muting my own voice and the future voices of women like mine out, because that’s what’s happening.

Women who think it’s not the governments role to tell me where I can and can’t go, what’s essential and what isn’t, like Church, limit freedoms to choose a mask or not, a vaccine or not, a gathering or not, it’s also not anyone else’s place.

Women who think the media has us angry with each other for a bigger agenda than just hating a President or being afraid of a now 99% survivable virus. We see only what the media (including social) chooses to show us, hear only what they tell us to think, and feel how they want and need us to feel. Perhaps you loved me or someone in your family before the media gave you a reason not to. I wonder if we stopped watching, stopped feeding fear and hate, and got back to valuing difference of opinion, doing what’s best for us individually, loving unconditionally, how we could heal?

Women who think everything Candace Owens says is gold but dare we say that out loud, or share her words. Women who know the new Ms. America is perfect just how she is, although the ladies of The View say they still have time to “change her”.

Women that celebrate the Amy Coney Barretts as examples for our daughters, what an uphill fight she had proving her self solely because she’s a conservative, Pro-Life Christian, mother of 7. For years Ive been cheering for other empowered women who think and live differently, who haven’t done the same for me or the Amy’s of our time.

Women with husbands who carry a gun on their hips and open our doors, its masculine and sexy, exactly the kinda man this empowered woman wanted to marry. Putting a label on them as masculine toxicity is another example of creating a divide and robbing my daughters of marrying the same kind of man, if they wanted, by canceling them out.

And women who are ready to finally stop caring what names they’ll be called because of their vote, that others know the stories of our lives because of skin color, or that our freedoms aren’t as important as the person drawing a line in the sand of forced agreement. How we treat people is what defines us, regardless of what the media tells us to think.

And most importantly, women who’s obedience is to God first, GOD FIRST! Not the approval of others, not our future success or failures, or the comfort zones of complacency.

I can no longer acknowledge the path we’re on and sit quietly by, I know Gods given me a voice and words to help us love and respect each other UNCONDITIONALLY, praying He continues to show me how to use them here, while still living above the line everywhere.

Conservative women should feel empowered to be brave and speak up, our voices matter too! We certainty won’t see celebrity “role models” using their platforms to do so.

More than anything, I want to make sure our daughters are able to have a voice and seat at the table, to speak loud and proud and free, even if their words don’t echo the same as mine, or yours, the media’s, our elected officials that may have their names on a list, or big tech.


I’ve been quietly hurting.

I’ve been quietly observing.

I’ve been quietly waiting.

Some switched platforms to safely speak, question the mainstream, and fight the censorship. I’m still here, to do what I’ve always aspired to do, serve and add value to those who need what I have, today that’s by using my voice. If you feel called to do the same, it’s time we speak up and contribute to the conversation! There is a place for women like me, and if you’re still here, a place for women like you too!

Anyone that gives up a little liberty for a little security, will deserve neither and lose both. Owning my liberty, fully secure in what I deserve, with no plans to lose who I am!

#ALLiN Christie Nix