Where you go I Will go...



It's that time again, waiting for PCS orders is upon us, wondering what could be coming next. Im reminded of the wall decor in our home, we have to pass it every time we go to our bedroom. The words seem simple but it's been lived out in action. 

As a new Army Wife, almost 15 years ago, young and naive, moving across the country as far from familiar as possible. Keeping a home I followed him to have, for years at a time, even when he's not there. 

Packing up and moving, starting over 9 times. Leaving each house I first brought my 3 babies home to. Learning that a home is where you're together, not the things you put in it. 

I've never considered a life that didn't go where he went. And I've never wanted to stay anywhere he wasn't. It's not always an easy life but it's been one where I can look back and see where we've loved and lived more because we went together, even to duty stations like Ft. Irwin Calafornia.

My love to all the women (and men) who've lived these words in action. I know it speaks love loudly to the one we go with. During the going, staying, and waiting.